Wednesday, November 5, 2008

25 days and counting

Well we have 25 days left until our due date. We shall see if she is stubborn and wants to wait or if she is just as eager to meet her Mommy and Daddy as we are to finally see her. I was reading my last blog and realized it has been a couple of weeks since I have updated this. So let me see if I can catch everyone up to speed.
The last couple of weeks I have been able to feel the Braxton Hicks more and more. The first strong one came on at work and I thought I was going into labor for sure. I jumped on-line and found out that I wasn't of course. My stomach has really been dropping this last week. Yesterday was a ruff day when I was walking I felt like I had was caring a bowling ball between my legs.I went home and layed on the couch for 45 min and then I felt so much better the rest of the night. This last week every time I stand up I have to waddle to the Bathroom from the pressure that the baby puts on my bladder. I can't complain though it's just part of the pregnancy. Alot of women have said of you look so miserable how much longer do you have to go ? I simply tell them it's really not bad. Honestly I have nothing to compare it to besides not being pregnant. Of course you are going to feel discomfort when you are caring a baby around.
I'm going to the Dr. every week now and on the 27th we had another ultrasound. It was our 3rd. I didn't realize we would have so many. The first one was at 19weeks and when she wouldn't sit still long enough for them to get the 4 chamber heart picture we went back a few weeks later. When I went in on the 24th for my appointment she listened to her heart beat and she couldn't narrow down what position that the baby was in so she ordered an ultrasound for the 27th. I was so thankful she is big enough that I didn't have to Drink water this time. We had the tech from the first ultrasound and I really like her. As soon as she stuck it on my stomach we could see the head. She is in position and ready to roll. Her head is 9cm across. That is the only measurement I remember. Then she measured the fluid which was another thing the Dr wanted to look at. It was over fast and it was just looked like a big blob of baby. You couldn't really tell her leg from her arm. I think the whole ultrasound took 15 min. She told us that the Baby weighs about 6lbs give or take a pound. I was freaking out thinking that I'm going to have this huge baby. I have been hoping that she would be like Me and Mark he was 6lb 3oz and I was 6lbs 4 oz. Mark talked to his Brother Steve on the way home from the ultrasound and he said that she sounded like a normal size. When I got home I had to jump on-line and look it up and sure enough he was right. One website said that she was supposed to be 5 1/2lbs and the other said 6lbs. Whewww....
When I went to the Dr the following week she said that everything looks good to go. I have extra fluid and there doesn't seem to be any worry about it. I had a bit of a melt down on my Dr. telling her that I don't want the baby to get any bigger then she is now. She assured me that everything will be fine. Giving birth just freaks me out. I hope I take after the Wicke women and how they can just shoot out babies like nothing.
I have got through most of my reading on labor and delivery and basically just waiting for her to get here. I keep finding out more and more info. I'm planning on Breast feeding (almost everyone I know has done it and it's so good for the baby, who knows maybe I can shed the baby weight faster too) anyways I read in many articles that you are not to give the baby pacifiers or bottles for the first 4 weeks. We are going to do everything we can so hopefully she will take to nursing well and we won't have to go buy formula.
I'm sure most of you have heard that they have found out that adults and even babies are Vitamin D deficent. Breast feed babies even more so. I have already talked to the Dr and started suplementing with more vitamin D and calcuim in my diet so we don't have to worry about it. Also, if baby sleeps with a fan circulating the air there is a 70% likelyness that they won't have SIDS. I'm telling you knowledge is power so thank you Darcie and Jessica for e-mailing all those baby article's to me.
Today I got everything at work ready for my leave. I have worked since I was 16 and it will be hard NOT working. I hope I can work until she is born but I want to make sure that everything is in place when it happens. I would feel guilty if I didn't have everthing in place so I got it done and out of the way. I hope I'm going to go into labor at home and Mark hopes I go into Labor at work. He's friends with my boss and thinks it would be funny if it happened at the office. We started to get things ready at home just in case. We put a water proof pad on our bed under where I sleep because I have heard stories about women's water breaking in bed and we didn't want to take any chances .
Mark is wanting to go to second shift soon because he doesn't want me to go into labor while I'm home alone at night. I don't think it's a big deal being alone because I can call someone to come get me, but I can't complain. He's been so great to me. I couldn't ask for more. (Unless he was rich Ha Ha) I always new he would be a great dad but never realized how good of a husband he would be. I think back to the rollercoaster our realationship was years ago and can't believe that it was even us. It's amazing how much life can change.My Grandma Wicke says all the time how proud of Mark she is and how good of a husband he is and that he's going to be such a good dad. She tells me that she is glad I have such a good man. Grandma has high standards and it's nice to have her blessing and have her come out and say that he's a good man. Those are words I didn't think I would ever hear her say and makes me proud that she feels that way. Well that is enough jabbering for now!!!!

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