Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Just pick a day already. I swear this baby is never going to pick a day. Mark told her to hold out for the Dec birthstone and she did. Everyone has told her she can come out now but the only one she seems to listen to is Mark telling her to stay in there for a while. I know it is common to go 2 weeks over with your first one, but I swear these to are ganging up on me before she is even out of the womb. I thought I would at least have until she was older for that to happen.

Sunday Night with are lovely Snow storm Mark decided to stay home from work with me "Just in case" All though I thought it was thoughtful and Protective of us when morning rolled around and he missed a night of work for nothing I felt bad. I went to work yesterday (which I wasn't planning because I was certain she was going to be here Thanksgiving weekend.) While I was at work Mark called to let me know we didn't have any power. It turns out due to the weather Sunday night most of the town lost power at 9:30 in the morning. We lost it at the house around 11:00. Finally at 12:00a.m. this morning I woke up to lights. I don't know what time they came on I went to bed at 10:30 because I have been so tired.

This morning I had a Dr's appointment and found out that I have not dilated at all. Nothing has changed since my false alarm on the 11th. Talk about a BAD morning. I left my phone at home to boot. At least I wasn't real worried about going into labor or anything now. SO, my solution to my disturbing news was to Cry. Cry I did all the way to work and back home. I slipped in the back door when I got to work. I wanted to wash my face and throw so eyeliner back on,but it was a wasted effort because as soon as I got to mine and Wendy's office and she asked how the Dr's went I lost it again. Real Professional I know. I was glad that we have our own private office away from the other employies because she was the only one that heard my melt down. She has gotten it several times. I always see her first thing after my appointments. With us working together and being friends for the last 7 yrs she makes it really easy to vent to. She calms me down and makes me feel like I'm not crazy. Which is really nice it just sucks for her because she always gets me in my full blown emotional state. This one was the mother of all. I thought that my melt down about having to take the gestational diabetes test was bad this topped it. I'm ready to be done. I want to see her. I want to not be pregnant any more and just move on to the next phase. I guess the keyword is I want. I just feel like my sanity needs it.

I should know that not being dilated really doesn't mean anything since my mom was the same way with me and with in 24 hrs I was here. I'm not getting up my hopes any more. I can't take the disappointment anymore. I'm just trying to force myself into thinking she will come when it's time and Everything happens for a reason, God has a plan all that jazz. I would just like to be clued in.

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