Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Breanna's 5 months old

My Baby Girl is 5 months old...It's so hard to believe that 22 weeks have went by since she came into this world. Let me see if I can update you on her progress developmentally.She had been working on rolling over and is getting better and better. Last night she rolled on to her belly twice in her sleep. When I noticed I roller her back on her back and to her tummy she went again.She slept really good on her tummy. I was just nervous. She can sit by herself for only a few seconds before she reaches for a toy and turns herself into a pretzel. Yesterday while she was in her tub she was sitting up and playing with her rubber ducky. It was so cute, but the pictures didn't turn out. She has discovered how to squeal and is perfecting it every day. I keep checking on her because I think she is hurt and she just Smiles. We did get a Jumperoo and boy does she love it. Between the exersaucer and the Jumperoo she keeps herself busy. She is working on some teeth. I could really see a nice bump on the bottom, but now it's went down or the rest has swollen to match. She loves to chew on everything. It kind of reminds me of when Tippy was a puppy with all her drool. Pulling hair is one of her favorite things to do. She has been pulling you into her for kisses and to snuggle. It is so precious. We Enjoy her so much ! When Mark leaves or leans in to give me a kiss she opens her mouth and looks at him waiting for hers. It's funny some times she will slime your check when she turns in to kiss you. She has been learning so much it's hard to remember everything. She has now officially ate every kind of baby food except Prunes. She is getting really good at eating food. Messy but good.

1 comment:

Darcie Helt said...

Love the update...when do you want to get together again? She is getting so big and cute! What size clothes is she in....I may have some stuff that will fit we can pass over to ya!