Monday, October 13, 2008

WOW do I have alot to talk about this time...

We had a busy weekend planned with lots of fun stuff to do. Saturday morning I was up at 4:00 a.m. climbing the walls in excitement for the weekend to start. We ran to Meijer's at 6:00 to get some food so I could keep myself occupied until my 9:30 pedicure and manicure appointment.

I went to the salon and got a little pampering (thanks again to my Dad and Step mom) Then the rest of Saturday dragged on. I couldn't wait for Sunday to get here. I have been waiting for months for the baby shower to get here so I can finally get a little organization to this baby stuff. We decided to go to my brothers and so I could lend Jessica a hand with some of the food for the party and we tried to get Cheyenne to spend the night but no dice. I thought for sure if we had one of the girls spend the night I would get so busy with them I would quit watching the clock. I guess Uncle Mark and Aunt Melissa are no fun any more.

Sunday finally got here and I was so sick to my stomach with excitement I could hardly eat. I was ready early and decided to go surprise Grandma Wicke. I went down to the Nursing home and got her hair ready for the shower. Since she has been in the Nursing home she hasn't looked like her normal self. (Grandma always has her nails done, make-up on and her hair done.) When you see her with out those things you can tell she isn't feeling well. I shot down to mom's to help her with her hair and then I got a call from my dad...they had a delivery for the baby that they needed to made before the baby shower. Mark and I both ended up getting to the house and Dad and Jackie showed up with THE WHOLE bedroom set. The changing table, dresser and Crib.

I think someone is going to be SPOILED !

Finally it was time for the Baby Shower. My sister in law Jessica and one of my best friends Wendy threw the shower. When I arrived everyone was working away on the decorations. Amber and Ashley made this beautiful diaper cake with little cupcakes on ALL tables. Everything was so nice. At 12:50 nobody was there yet. I started to think that nobody was going to be there for the 1:00 start and then people started flowing in. It is like they all came at once. We had such a good turn out that they had to set up 2 more tables. I couldn't believe it. I had a client from the salon come to the shower. She is such a nice woman and it made me feel so good that after 2 years she still stays in contact with me and has come to both the wedding and the baby shower. Another one of my clients that I still do hair for her and her son stopped in after running a marathon. She ran in real quick drop of a gift and ran out. It is amazing how generous and thoughtful people are. You might think that you are important to someone but when they go out of their way for you on your special day it makes you realize really how great people are and it makes me value them more.

Mark ended up staying at the shower. He was waiting to visit with his family so in the mean time he was the butler and the runner. He didn't seem to mind being the only man with around 55 females (including the little girls.)

We got some wonderful presents and I had such a great time. I hope everyone else did too. My feet were turning into puff balls when I got home so I sat down and waited for Mark to get home to unload all her stuff. By the time he got done unloading,the living room was full and he had furniture strung all around the dinning room. We were up last night until 11:00 just trying to get organized.

Tonight I am washing her clothes and going to fold them and get them in her dresser. Now I can freely buy what we need to fill in the gaps and I don't have to worry about getting in trouble for buying too much before the shower. I have been freaking out about all the stuff that we need for a baby.

Thank you to everyone who bought us shower gifts I really appreciate it.

Hopefully after I find a place for all her things it will be time for her to get here. Well I could babble on for a couple more hours but the laundry doesn't fold it's self. So you have to wait for until next time for me to babble on.

1 comment:

Darcie Helt said...

Thanks for the update! So sorry and bummed we missed it! Taylor is better but now Julian has it. Mystery headache and high fever. Talk to you soon!