Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekly Update!

This week Breanna had her 2 month check-up. Of course while we are there she throws up, dirtys her pants and has a melt down. It was a rare day. Normally she is a happy baby and is all smiles unless she is hungry then watch out. The Dr. was happy with her and was impressed with how strong she is. She Held her head up really good while she was on her tummy. They measured her and weighed her and she was 24 3/4 long and her head was 15 3/4 around and weight was 12lbs 13 3/4 once I can't believe it. She is solid. I think her cheeks and her chin makes up most of her weight.

Thursday night our furnace decided to start acting up so all night we had to shut it off and turn it back on so it would kick on. (I was so glad that Mom had loaned us a little electric heater months ago. We use it when the wind blows from the north west we turn on the heater in the bed room to keep Breanna from getting to cold. So Thursday night I already had it plugged in so Our bedroom was nice and toasty. Breanna didn't even realize that the furnace was messed up.)
The furnace is only 4 years old and we discovered when Williams came out that the insulation that is in the furnace the adhesive came loose and it sucked the insulation against the blower, which made the furnace get too hot and the relay kicked off the furnace. With in 1 hour of them leaving and me getting to work Mark called and said that it was not working again. So Not only did I go into work late I had to leave early so I could let them back in to fix the furnace. I'm thankful that I can do some of my work from home and that mom was already planning on having Bree. Finally it is fixed. They replaced the relay and it has been working good all weekend.

Now that Bree is getting older and I'm starting to get the hang of this parenting thing I get a little bored in the evening alone with her. Well,Breanna decided to give me some excitement with a dirty diaper up to her neck on Friday. I HAD to give her a bath. Normally Mark and I bathe her together.He holds her and I wash her. ( I Know laugh,but I was afraid of drowning her) I had to face my fear. As soon as I lay ed her in her SPA tub and realized how well the sling holds her my fears disappeared. She Loves being "Nakie Girl" and I was able to snap this picture of her.
The bathtub she has was a God send. IT has a whirlpool and a shower head. I haven't ventured out that much to use the Whirlpool but the shower head is nice to rinse her off. Thanks again to Uncle Steve and Aunt Janae and the whole crew.
We (Mark) have been dressing her in real clothes now instead of sleepers now that she is older. She has this mini mouse Hoodie that Mark tried to put her in that just wasn't designed well for babies so mom did some customization for her this week and She has worn it 3 times already. It must be a new favorite.

Playtime on the floor

After she got tired of laying on the floor she decided she wanted to sit up and play.
Even when she has spit up on her face I still think she is the cutest thing with her expressions and no I don't leave spit up on her on purpose. I didn't realize until I seen the picture.

When I sit on the floor and play with her I have my camera and my cellphone next to me. When she does something new I snap a picture and send it to Mark so he is updated and save the other one. Mark sends me a picture every day when I'm at work and it really makes me feel like I"m part of the loop and not missing so much. So, I tr to do the same with him. Technology isn't it wonderful.Well that is it for this weekly update.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


On Sunday's we have been going to Mark's mom's house for the afternoon. Since Bree has gotten here we are over there even more often then normal.Some weeks we are there all day on Sunday and Monday. Sue really enjoys seeing,playing and laughing at/with Bree. Sundays are the only day that Mark and I have of together and usually I dress her in her Sunday best. Well, yesterday when we were there we got laughing so hard at Bree and her expressions that Mark snapped this picture.

(Can you guess what I'm doing ?????)

We enjoyed watching her until it was time to change her that I didn't enjoy.Looking at this picture I realized how nice my nails are with the help of the prenatal. I'm going to continue to take them if I can keep nails like these.

A new development this week is that now that we have the carpet on the floor I have been giving her a lot of time playing on the floor and she really enjoys it. While giving her tummy time she has rolled from her tummy to her back 4 times total this week. I was so proud of her when I seen it. Of course I never got a picture or video of it.

This is her Pretty in Pink Picture that I took of her the night she rolled over for the first time.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some more pictures

This is what Breanna looks like mad. She has no in between it's eather happy or mad no medium.

Mark was getting ready to take a shower and he sat his clothes down and Tigger decided to make a shelter out of them.

We got an area rug for the living room and Breanna really enjoys laying on the floor and looking and kicking at her toys on her gym.

Cole was enertaining Breanna as she was playing on the gym.

Me holding Breanna.

Breanna's 2 months old

Yesterday Bre turned 2 months old. I worked and by the time I got home the only picture I was able to talk of her was while she was sleeping. Which of course turned out cute.
After she fell asleep I lay ed her in the chair and a few minutes later when I seen this pose I had to take a picture.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A case of the Yukky's

Breanna caught her first case of the Yukky's. Last Tuesday I started sneezing and my nose was stuffy so I started drinking alot of juice and taking vitamin C. Mark and I only get sick around 1-2 times a year and usually it doesn't last long. I was hoping that Breanna wouldn't catch it. I woke up to her wheezing and almost gasping for air on Friday night. Her nose was stuffy and she had caught my crap. So in bed with me is where she spent the rest of the night.
(She has been sleeping flat on her back in her crib for a couple of weeks now. It took a while to get her to sleep in there with out being propped up on the boppy pillow but we finally got it down. I know she is safer the only down fall is now instead of her going 6 hours through the night she only sleeps 4 hours. I have gotten to where She is sleeping at 1 a.m. and I don't even have to leave a night light on. So I am able to get some good sleep too.)
By Friday night she was doing much better, but Mark and I decided that I should still stay home with her on Saturday instead of going to my cousin's birthday party. The family was all getting together and the weather was going to be so nice I really wanted to get out and go visit everyone, but we didn't want to take a chance that Breanna would catch something else or that she would give it to one of the other kids.
Now I'm almost all healed and Breanna seems to be almost back to herself. So hopefully we are done with the case of the yukky's.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm back..........

Hello everyone. I'm back. I'm back to work and back to feeling like my old self again. Can you believe that tomorrow Breanna will be 8 weeks old ? Where does the time go ???

I REALLY enjoy being back to work. I LOVE the time I get to spend at home with Bre, but at work It's a nice break away. It gives me some ME time. My schedule is great I work Monday, Wensday and Friday. I was supposed to work today, but when I went to start the Durango it was dead. After I messed with trying to jump it I finally got Mark and we descovered that the battery is done for. We have jumped it several times this winter and last Friday we were going to get a Battery but of course that didn't work out. So, needless to say I'm grounded until Mark get's a new Battery for me but I did realize today how much I missed work today. I missed getting out of the house. Well until next time....

Some New Pictures