Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm back..........

Hello everyone. I'm back. I'm back to work and back to feeling like my old self again. Can you believe that tomorrow Breanna will be 8 weeks old ? Where does the time go ???

I REALLY enjoy being back to work. I LOVE the time I get to spend at home with Bre, but at work It's a nice break away. It gives me some ME time. My schedule is great I work Monday, Wensday and Friday. I was supposed to work today, but when I went to start the Durango it was dead. After I messed with trying to jump it I finally got Mark and we descovered that the battery is done for. We have jumped it several times this winter and last Friday we were going to get a Battery but of course that didn't work out. So, needless to say I'm grounded until Mark get's a new Battery for me but I did realize today how much I missed work today. I missed getting out of the house. Well until next time....

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