Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nov 30th is here

Today is my due date ! We have 7 hrs left before this little one gets a blue birthstone. (Blue is my favorite color) I think she is hunkering down and going to stay in there for a while. I wish I just knew but that would take the suspense out of it.

We set up our tree today. Normally we wait until about 2 weeks before Christmas but we have both been in the Christmas mood lately and we don't know how much time we are going to have so we thought it would be best to just do it.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 28, 2008

NO Turkey

Another Turkey day has came and went and our little butterball has decided it's NOT time yet. I was really hoping that I would have her and even told her she could come out any time. She did put on a show for everyone yesterday. She was moving and rolling so much that everyone was watching as my stomach was moving.

I told Mark months ago that if she is born in Nov he doesn't have to worry about buying me a mothers ring because I dislike the birthstone. Now he thinks she is waiting for Dec so I can some day get a mother's ring. I'm getting so anxious we went to Meijer to get some groceries and we picked up a Christmas dress for her and Christmas Stockings . Grandma Wicke bought her a beautiful dress, but I wanted to make sure that she had at least 2 because we go to different places on Christmas eve and Christmas Day.

Well I need to get back to work. I didn't go into the office today so I'm doing some of my work this evening from home. Take care

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where's the Magic Wand ????

Well I had an appointment this morning. It was my last appointment that I had set up before my due date. I asked the Dr if she had a Magic Wand that she could wave to be done and she told me sorry she left it at home this morning. When she was feeling my stomach and taking the Heartbeat She did tell the baby it's ok to come out now it's time. We are ready to see her.
I guess Aunt Donna and Jessica aren't the only ones that talk to the baby. I have been telling her all week that she can come out anytime. I'm as ready as I will ever be. I hope she will just decide to come on a night that Mark is home. NO offense to my mom taking me, but I would really like Mark to drive me in.After my false alarm I would feel guilty waking Mom and Christy up for a false alarm. The Dr did say that the baby will come on Thanksgiving just in time for the Holiday. I said that I would have no problem with that. Mark's last night this week is Wensday night so we shall see. I really don't want to lug this stomach around any longer. I'm sick of looking like I'm having twins.
I told Mark that I never realized how much work Pregnancy is. It can take a toll on you Physically (not including the labor) but I think most of all emotionally. That has been the hardest part. When something happens and you want to complain you can't because then you feel guilty. So you suck it up and move on. Then the next day you realize that you can't see your toes and you want to cry but yet again you suck it up. When ever I want to complain I think of the millions of people that can't experience this and would love to and then I feel guilty for even wanting to complain. A very terrible cycle. I guess at least my guilt keeps me from driving everyone around me nuts with my complants. Ha Ha !

If anyone knows of where I can get a Magic Wand to make sure this baby get's here this weekend on time PLEASE LET ME KNOW

Monday, November 24, 2008

Still Hanging in there

I had a couple of days this weekend with no braxton hicks and then today they decided to come back a little. I feel like the baby has dropped down some more, but that could be wishful thinking. We are ready for her to get here. Everything is here that we are going to need.(except the breast pump that I keep forgetting) I feel like I have been pregnant forever.

We have things that we still need to get figured out before the first of the year. Mark's and My Work schedule. Mine depends on his of course and just when he thinks it's figured somewhat out it changed. We both decided a long time ago that we want to be the one's that raise our children not someone else. SO we are trying to get it set up so she is with one of us the majority of the time and only have Mom have her a few hours a week.

Well I could go on for hours but I will spare all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in case I don't Post an entry before then.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My pregnancy in a Nut shell

As the end of my pregnancy is near I keep thinking back to the journey of the last 9 months.

I remember thinking it was going to take at least 6 months or so to get pregnant and how surprised I was to find out that I was. I remember saying how it couldn't have happened already. I was sick after lunch and On the way to Meijer to get the test I became Nauseated. Mark thought it was from my nerves. Until we walked into the bathroom together to read the result and seen that bright blue plus sign. I don't think I will ever forget the wave of emotion that came over me. I have never been so terrified, excited, happy and just out right shocked in my life. I just stood there frozen and crying. Mark kept saying "It will be ok" A phrase I have heard over and over through this pregnancy.

I have never felt as close to death as the first several weeks of my pregnancy. I know that sounds a bit much but when even water was making me sick I kept thinking I have 9 months of this crap. Mark kept telling me "it will be ok" as he was grabbing a cold washcloth or a new shirt for me. (Easy for him to say I thought) Finally, after I started the med's it got better. I felt like I kept graduating. One week it was ginger ale and crackers, then the next potatoes were ok to add in then chicken, and so on. It wasn't until the 4th-5th month that I could eat normal. By then I had already felt the flutters in my stomach and it was becoming all worth it.

Once we had the ultrasound and seen the baby move, I didn't care what it was I was just mesmerized by the whole process. I thought women that said that they enjoyed being pregnant were nuts. Now that I'm down to the last 11 days I understand why they say it. I don't love being pregnant by all means BUT it is an amazing experience. Knowing that I have a human being in my stomach that we made and have grown is just the most empowering feeling.I will miss the fact that she is safe (for the most part) inside my stomach. I don't have to stress about her getting a scratch, being to cold or the millions of other things that can happen in this crazy world.

I have really been trying the last few days to just enjoy the last stretch of this. I have heard that every pregnancy is unique and these are the last few days I can enjoy this experience. The emotions I felt when I first found out have now returned. I'm trying to focus and just go day by day. I want her here so bad and I wish that I didn't have to go through labor and that stuff. Just open my eyes one day and surprise the stork dropped her off. Nice dream...I know

Monday, November 17, 2008

Still cooking the turkey...

Well, Thanksgiving is getting closer and I can't believe where the time has went. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love getting together with family and not having the stress of buying presents. We have been talking about thanksgiving and all the different ways you can cook a turkey. Roasting pans,turkey bags, paper bag,or deep fried. So many different ways to cook one but I don't think that it really matters as long as you get a day off have great food and great company.

Our little TURKEY is still cooking away. I'm waiting for the timer to go off so I can finally see her. Right now it looks like I have a 20lb turkey under my shirt. So we shall see if my stomach matches the main dish on the 27th or if it matches the Jello Desert. LOL.....

I have a dress picked out for her 1st Thanksgiving if she is here for it. My bag has been packed and in the car. The car seat is strapped in and ready to go and I am finally have everything ready at work. (after my false alarm I wasn't as organized at work as I thought, but now it's in place)
Mom and Dad are on call and ready for the big day. My mom, sister, dad and step mom are all planning on being in the waiting room on the big day. Mark is going to make some calls I'm sure. He says he doesn't like to talk on the phone, but knowing how he likes to brag I'm sure he will be burning up the phone's, but between a massive e-mail he told me he would send and MOM and Dad calling everyone I'm sure everyone will get the update pretty fast. Or at least I hope. We are going to be at Sparrow and they have a website so you can log on to for a peek at the baby picture. I could blab on and on about the baby so to another holiday...

As for Christmas, this year we are not going to buy presents for Christmas. We have been trying not to the last few years. I would like to get back to the true meaning on the holidays. It's nice to give don't get me wrong. I just think it's about spending time with loved ones, not spending time buying people crap that they don't need. I'm excited for it this year because of the baby. I can't wait to decorate and start family traditions. I want to go back to the days of my childhood when we didn't buy a bunch of gifts I just remember taking snacks to people and visiting and having a great time. I don't think anyone should work all month just to pay for there Christmas Spending. I do believe in helping others that are less fortunate. Let's face it who can afford it to continue to spend all this crazy money on Christmas. (Jesus was born in a manger not the Ritz Carlton.)

SO, if anyone is wondering what to get us this year DON't get us anything. Just spending time with family is gift enough. Everyone is so busy these days and nobody has time to get together anymore.I am going to probably do some baking for the holidays. I have been looking up recipe's and trying to get some ideas. My cake mix cookies have been going over really well and are really easy so I think I will make some of those.

We shall see how much time the little butterball gives me for baking. I have a feeling that when Mark is home my hands will be free until it's time to change the diapers or for her to eat of course. He would gladly feed her but he's not really equipped with the proper tools.

Well once again,it's past my bed time. I will talk to you soon. IN the morning we will be at 12 more days !!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

17 days and counting

Well I had my appointment this morning and I talked to them about my false alarm. My doctor wasn't on duty when I went in so we just reviewed over the situation. I asked when they were going to start checking me to see if I'm dilating and they said that they don't like to do that anymore. She said you can go from 0 to a baby in 24 hours or you can walk around dilated to a 4 for 2 weeks so until my due date get's here they won't be checking. I have no problem with that I just want to know when she is going to get here. It is driving me crazy when I think about the fact that if I was really in labor the other night I would have came home today with my little girl !

Every thing is still going good. No changes ! As for my Braxton Hicks I have had a few more, but nothing like the other night. I had a really strong one last night and I just layed down and rubbed my stomach as Mark rubbed my lower back. With in 5 minutes it had stopped and I felt fine the rest of the night.

Today Wendy surprised me with a much needed Hair appointment. Which was so nice my roots were terrible and I needed a trim like you wouldn't believe. We were going to just do each others like normal, but she was thinking ahead and my stomach would get in the way when you aren't using the salon sink. So she was nice enough to book me an appointment with Chelsey. I feel so much better now I called Mark on the way home and told him I almost feel pretty now. When I walked in the door I realized that Mark had shaved and trimmed all his facial hair. (which was much over do) Now we are ready for our first family picture if the baby would just be.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well you heard about the Braxton Hicks and I have been having them for a couple of weeks and last night I was woke up with strong stomach pains. I went to the bathroom and came back to bed and a couple of minutes later I had another one by the 3 time in 19 minutes I got up and stated to write the times down. My back started aching and the cramps continued at 1:00 I called MOM and told her I thought it was time.

We meet Mark at the hospital and I was really uncomfortable. They checked me and plugged me into a monitor. I had Mark get MOM so she could hear the baby's heart beat. She stayed in the room for a few minutes and then went to the waiting room to wait it out. When the Dr. came in they told me it was a BAD case of BRAXTON HICKS. They gave me a prescription for vicodin.(I don't know if I will fill it) Mark and I both questioned the Dr. about it and he assured us it was better then MOTRIN for the baby. I was definitely in pain and my back was aching but Vicodin seems a bit much for the baby.

5 hours after this all started we finally made it home. We got on-line and researched vicodin and pregnancy and found it's actually a common thing that pregnant women are prescribed but it's still not for me. I rarely take pills for anything and just can't bring myself to putting something in the baby's stomach that makes me loopy.I took a long shower and some Tylenol and finally my pain was relived. I feel like an idiot for the hospital run, but when my pains felt like BAD period cramps and were 6 minutes apart for an hour I thought it was definitely time. I apologized to Mark and Mom for the false alarm and they both were fine with it. They said that they would rather run to the hospital then take the chance that the baby we born on the kitchen floor.

They said that the baby is not dropped down enough and I'm not dilated yet. I ave an appointment on Thursday morning so we shall see if anything changes. I guess we just had a dress rehearsal last night. Well I'm going to head back to bed I just wanted to make sure everyone new about my FALSE ALARM.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Are we there yet ????

21 more days and I am ready. I can't wait for the baby to finally get here. I wish I could go back a month and freeze time or fast forward a month to finally be done being pregnant. I have heard and read that the last month is truly for the mom's benifit. By the time your at 40 weeks you don't care what you have to go through just get this baby out of me and let's be done with it. I'm starting to understand that as my woddle get's worse and the Braxton Hicks get stronger and closer together. Rolling over a night actually requires a lot of work and you just know that you might as well pee while your awake because in 5 minutes after you finally get comfortable your bladder is going to say's time to go again. I'm getting the hang out it (as much as you can I guess) but I want to baby to hurry up and get here. I feel I have waited long enough. 12 years is a long time to be with someone and not have a baby and I'm ready for her to get here.
Friday night we had Cheyenne spend the night she has always loved staying we even used it as a rewad when she was having problems in school but the last couple of months we couldn't get her to stay for nothing. Well Friday night I stopped in and told her that we had some baby furniture all put together and we didn't have a baby to test it out on yet. She decided she would come with her baby doll and test out the carseat, changing table, bouncer and bathtub to make sure it was all safe for her baby cousin. It gave us a chance to put batteries in everything and check it out our self. Her baby was a water baby so it actually pees in it's diaper. She tried to get Uncle Mark to change her dolly but he wasn't having it. She had a blast and so did we. Having a 6yr old girl running around gave us a definit view into the future.
We had a family get together yesterday and my cousin Kevin has a baby girl that is around 6 months old ( I can't remeber when she was born for sure ) my mom had the baby for a while and I asked Mark if he would grab her for me from mom. There must of been some confussion because 1/2 an hour later I still didn't have the baby in my arms. She was sitting on Marks lap beatting him with a rattle.
When we left Jazmine rode home with us and she decided she would like to stay the night with us. She wanted to have a slumber party so We all climbed into our bed to watch movies and I was so tierd that I fell asleep in 10 minutes. Each time I woke up they were snacking on something diferent I was surprised this morning that I didn't find any cookie crumbs or popcorn in bed. Jazmine did have to inform me that I was snoring so after the movie's were over she went out to the couch to sleep. ( I told her that it wasn't my fault it was because of the baby but she didn't believe me) She picked the new design for the blog. She wanted me to put turkey's for thanksgiving. I wanted to change it up but I couldn't decide so she took the guess work out of it for me.
I updated my poll at the top of the page for those of you that would like to weigh in on a new date of the babies arrival since we are finally almost to the finish line.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Baby Blanket

One of the reasons I have been busy is this blanket. I finally finished it this week. I have been working on it a couple nights a week then I took a week off after the baby shower and then the next week I took a week off to do all the Thank you notes. So finishing this has been my main focus. I'm glad to finally have it done. The next time I do a blanket I'm going to do my own pattern. Then I don't have to concentrate alot and let's face it with a new baby at home It will probably be next year before I pick up another hook. Well I'm off to straighten up this house.

25 days and counting

Well we have 25 days left until our due date. We shall see if she is stubborn and wants to wait or if she is just as eager to meet her Mommy and Daddy as we are to finally see her. I was reading my last blog and realized it has been a couple of weeks since I have updated this. So let me see if I can catch everyone up to speed.
The last couple of weeks I have been able to feel the Braxton Hicks more and more. The first strong one came on at work and I thought I was going into labor for sure. I jumped on-line and found out that I wasn't of course. My stomach has really been dropping this last week. Yesterday was a ruff day when I was walking I felt like I had was caring a bowling ball between my legs.I went home and layed on the couch for 45 min and then I felt so much better the rest of the night. This last week every time I stand up I have to waddle to the Bathroom from the pressure that the baby puts on my bladder. I can't complain though it's just part of the pregnancy. Alot of women have said of you look so miserable how much longer do you have to go ? I simply tell them it's really not bad. Honestly I have nothing to compare it to besides not being pregnant. Of course you are going to feel discomfort when you are caring a baby around.
I'm going to the Dr. every week now and on the 27th we had another ultrasound. It was our 3rd. I didn't realize we would have so many. The first one was at 19weeks and when she wouldn't sit still long enough for them to get the 4 chamber heart picture we went back a few weeks later. When I went in on the 24th for my appointment she listened to her heart beat and she couldn't narrow down what position that the baby was in so she ordered an ultrasound for the 27th. I was so thankful she is big enough that I didn't have to Drink water this time. We had the tech from the first ultrasound and I really like her. As soon as she stuck it on my stomach we could see the head. She is in position and ready to roll. Her head is 9cm across. That is the only measurement I remember. Then she measured the fluid which was another thing the Dr wanted to look at. It was over fast and it was just looked like a big blob of baby. You couldn't really tell her leg from her arm. I think the whole ultrasound took 15 min. She told us that the Baby weighs about 6lbs give or take a pound. I was freaking out thinking that I'm going to have this huge baby. I have been hoping that she would be like Me and Mark he was 6lb 3oz and I was 6lbs 4 oz. Mark talked to his Brother Steve on the way home from the ultrasound and he said that she sounded like a normal size. When I got home I had to jump on-line and look it up and sure enough he was right. One website said that she was supposed to be 5 1/2lbs and the other said 6lbs. Whewww....
When I went to the Dr the following week she said that everything looks good to go. I have extra fluid and there doesn't seem to be any worry about it. I had a bit of a melt down on my Dr. telling her that I don't want the baby to get any bigger then she is now. She assured me that everything will be fine. Giving birth just freaks me out. I hope I take after the Wicke women and how they can just shoot out babies like nothing.
I have got through most of my reading on labor and delivery and basically just waiting for her to get here. I keep finding out more and more info. I'm planning on Breast feeding (almost everyone I know has done it and it's so good for the baby, who knows maybe I can shed the baby weight faster too) anyways I read in many articles that you are not to give the baby pacifiers or bottles for the first 4 weeks. We are going to do everything we can so hopefully she will take to nursing well and we won't have to go buy formula.
I'm sure most of you have heard that they have found out that adults and even babies are Vitamin D deficent. Breast feed babies even more so. I have already talked to the Dr and started suplementing with more vitamin D and calcuim in my diet so we don't have to worry about it. Also, if baby sleeps with a fan circulating the air there is a 70% likelyness that they won't have SIDS. I'm telling you knowledge is power so thank you Darcie and Jessica for e-mailing all those baby article's to me.
Today I got everything at work ready for my leave. I have worked since I was 16 and it will be hard NOT working. I hope I can work until she is born but I want to make sure that everything is in place when it happens. I would feel guilty if I didn't have everthing in place so I got it done and out of the way. I hope I'm going to go into labor at home and Mark hopes I go into Labor at work. He's friends with my boss and thinks it would be funny if it happened at the office. We started to get things ready at home just in case. We put a water proof pad on our bed under where I sleep because I have heard stories about women's water breaking in bed and we didn't want to take any chances .
Mark is wanting to go to second shift soon because he doesn't want me to go into labor while I'm home alone at night. I don't think it's a big deal being alone because I can call someone to come get me, but I can't complain. He's been so great to me. I couldn't ask for more. (Unless he was rich Ha Ha) I always new he would be a great dad but never realized how good of a husband he would be. I think back to the rollercoaster our realationship was years ago and can't believe that it was even us. It's amazing how much life can change.My Grandma Wicke says all the time how proud of Mark she is and how good of a husband he is and that he's going to be such a good dad. She tells me that she is glad I have such a good man. Grandma has high standards and it's nice to have her blessing and have her come out and say that he's a good man. Those are words I didn't think I would ever hear her say and makes me proud that she feels that way. Well that is enough jabbering for now!!!!