Thursday, November 13, 2008

17 days and counting

Well I had my appointment this morning and I talked to them about my false alarm. My doctor wasn't on duty when I went in so we just reviewed over the situation. I asked when they were going to start checking me to see if I'm dilating and they said that they don't like to do that anymore. She said you can go from 0 to a baby in 24 hours or you can walk around dilated to a 4 for 2 weeks so until my due date get's here they won't be checking. I have no problem with that I just want to know when she is going to get here. It is driving me crazy when I think about the fact that if I was really in labor the other night I would have came home today with my little girl !

Every thing is still going good. No changes ! As for my Braxton Hicks I have had a few more, but nothing like the other night. I had a really strong one last night and I just layed down and rubbed my stomach as Mark rubbed my lower back. With in 5 minutes it had stopped and I felt fine the rest of the night.

Today Wendy surprised me with a much needed Hair appointment. Which was so nice my roots were terrible and I needed a trim like you wouldn't believe. We were going to just do each others like normal, but she was thinking ahead and my stomach would get in the way when you aren't using the salon sink. So she was nice enough to book me an appointment with Chelsey. I feel so much better now I called Mark on the way home and told him I almost feel pretty now. When I walked in the door I realized that Mark had shaved and trimmed all his facial hair. (which was much over do) Now we are ready for our first family picture if the baby would just be.

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