Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well you heard about the Braxton Hicks and I have been having them for a couple of weeks and last night I was woke up with strong stomach pains. I went to the bathroom and came back to bed and a couple of minutes later I had another one by the 3 time in 19 minutes I got up and stated to write the times down. My back started aching and the cramps continued at 1:00 I called MOM and told her I thought it was time.

We meet Mark at the hospital and I was really uncomfortable. They checked me and plugged me into a monitor. I had Mark get MOM so she could hear the baby's heart beat. She stayed in the room for a few minutes and then went to the waiting room to wait it out. When the Dr. came in they told me it was a BAD case of BRAXTON HICKS. They gave me a prescription for vicodin.(I don't know if I will fill it) Mark and I both questioned the Dr. about it and he assured us it was better then MOTRIN for the baby. I was definitely in pain and my back was aching but Vicodin seems a bit much for the baby.

5 hours after this all started we finally made it home. We got on-line and researched vicodin and pregnancy and found it's actually a common thing that pregnant women are prescribed but it's still not for me. I rarely take pills for anything and just can't bring myself to putting something in the baby's stomach that makes me loopy.I took a long shower and some Tylenol and finally my pain was relived. I feel like an idiot for the hospital run, but when my pains felt like BAD period cramps and were 6 minutes apart for an hour I thought it was definitely time. I apologized to Mark and Mom for the false alarm and they both were fine with it. They said that they would rather run to the hospital then take the chance that the baby we born on the kitchen floor.

They said that the baby is not dropped down enough and I'm not dilated yet. I ave an appointment on Thursday morning so we shall see if anything changes. I guess we just had a dress rehearsal last night. Well I'm going to head back to bed I just wanted to make sure everyone new about my FALSE ALARM.

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