Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where's the Magic Wand ????

Well I had an appointment this morning. It was my last appointment that I had set up before my due date. I asked the Dr if she had a Magic Wand that she could wave to be done and she told me sorry she left it at home this morning. When she was feeling my stomach and taking the Heartbeat She did tell the baby it's ok to come out now it's time. We are ready to see her.
I guess Aunt Donna and Jessica aren't the only ones that talk to the baby. I have been telling her all week that she can come out anytime. I'm as ready as I will ever be. I hope she will just decide to come on a night that Mark is home. NO offense to my mom taking me, but I would really like Mark to drive me in.After my false alarm I would feel guilty waking Mom and Christy up for a false alarm. The Dr did say that the baby will come on Thanksgiving just in time for the Holiday. I said that I would have no problem with that. Mark's last night this week is Wensday night so we shall see. I really don't want to lug this stomach around any longer. I'm sick of looking like I'm having twins.
I told Mark that I never realized how much work Pregnancy is. It can take a toll on you Physically (not including the labor) but I think most of all emotionally. That has been the hardest part. When something happens and you want to complain you can't because then you feel guilty. So you suck it up and move on. Then the next day you realize that you can't see your toes and you want to cry but yet again you suck it up. When ever I want to complain I think of the millions of people that can't experience this and would love to and then I feel guilty for even wanting to complain. A very terrible cycle. I guess at least my guilt keeps me from driving everyone around me nuts with my complants. Ha Ha !

If anyone knows of where I can get a Magic Wand to make sure this baby get's here this weekend on time PLEASE LET ME KNOW

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