Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The internet is on it's way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, The Internet is on it's way to our house. We have both been wanting to get the net for some time it is another one of those things that are on our to- do list before the baby gets here. The it's not that the list is long it just feels like it is never ending and expensive.
  • Paint the living room ( have the paint do you think we have done it yet ??)
  • Get carpet for the living room
  • a new couch
  • pack a bag for the hospital
  • get the Internet
  • plastic the windows
  • wash all the baby clothes

Some of the things on the list you are probably wondering about but if you have ever been to our old house you will totally understand. Our couch is the most uncomfortable thing and trying to get off of it after laying down is hilarious well at least Mark laughs at me.

Mark has been asking me for a couple of weeks what I want to do for my birthday and our anniversary weekend. He jsut recently started to ask me about what I want for Christmas. I'm having a baby and that is my only concern right now. How romantic am I ?? Needless to say I talked Mark into just getting the Internet for our anniversary present and my birthday. (Not that I needed to Twist his arm or any thing) What a win win situation. Now I'm trying to convince him that the only thing I need for Christmas is a Healthy Baby and maybe some extra sleep.

Anyways before I trail off even more into baby mode... We will have the internet at home next weekend so look forward to updates more often !!!!

1 comment:

Darcie Helt said...

So great you got a blog! I love reading all your updates! I got the shower invite in the mail and the kids and I are looking forward to it! Looking forward to more updates and meeting the new addition!