Saturday, December 6, 2008

6 days over and counting

Ok I have faced the fact. Or should I say the UGLY truth. They are going to have to take her. She is not coming on her own. She's stubborn and doesn't like change. There is nothing I can do to make her get here. Now that she has missed the Dec 5th date we definitly know that bribery doesn't work. I'm going to call the Dr's office on Monday and see if they can move the ultrasound testing up. The way that I see it is They won't have the results until Friday and then we are talking not doing anything until at least thte 14-15 when I am 14 days late. She's not moving so let's just get this moving along. We don't need a 10lb newborn.

I think Mark is really getting anxious for her to get here too. It is torture. I don't have patence at all and so this really sucks. I have gotten so many calls and e-mails everyone waiting to hear the news. It's wonderful that everyone is so caring it JUST sucks waiting. I'm going to TRY to not think about it for the rest of the day/weekend,but I will still keep everyone updated every day or to even if it's just a NO NOT YET. Then if you haven't heard from me in 3 days somethings up (I doubt it)

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