Monday, December 8, 2008

My Last Day

Today I decided was my last Day of work. I am so tierd and my Brain is not into focusing on anything. I was ready for a nap at 11:00 this morning. It's just time to stay home. I told them I would be going crazy by tomorrow afternoon and they would see me back on Wednesday. Ha Ha!
Today as we were working and looked out our windows we seen 3 deer in the woods behind our building. They were about 45 yards when we first seen them and a yearling came up to my window at work. It was so nice to see. Surprising in Lansing. I work right on Lake Lansing rd so it was really amazing. It reminded me of how much I like to sit out in the woods in the blind and watch the deer. Growing up I went in the woods almost every year. I have never been with someone that has shot one. The last time I sat in a Blind was with my little Brother Cory. I sat with him a few times. We always had a good time watching the wild life and chit chatting. I have really been missing him lately.(attitude and all)
I called the Dr.'s office today and found out that the absolute latest that I will have this baby is the 17th. She was supposed to be a Thanksgiving baby not a Christmas Baby. I told them that I need a worse case scenario and she said the 17th. I would go in on the 16th and by the 17th I would have her. We talked for about 10 minutes and I said that my sainity needs to know. I can't take it anymore. She said depending on the cercumstance on Thursday we might be going in this Thursday.I had a dream the other night that the Dr said she was 10 lbs and her twin was 5 lbs. The Dr said that we had to wait until Jan 2nd before they would let the babies be born so the 5lb cold gain some weight. (see what I mean about my sanity needing a max date) CRAZY PREGNANCY DREAMS I might look and feel like I'm carring twins but come on.

We are holdin out hope that Little MISS STUBBORN comes on her own and we don't have to force her out. She get's her stubbornness honestly from both sides So we can use ANY EXTRA PRAYERS that we can get.

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